martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

Ni blancos ni negros...

Hey! El otro dia estaba mirando un capitulo de The Big Bang Theory (buenísimo, por cierto), y me dio por leer el comentario que hace el productor de la serie al final. Asi que puse pausa, y lei una reflexión acerca del racismo. En lo personal, tiendo a hacer muchos chistes/comentarios racistas, pero nunca de mala leche.

En fin, les dejo este interesante y reflexivo texto, que para desgracia de los no poliglotas como su seguro servidor, esta en ingles (luego lo traduzco, orita me da flojera).


I have long believed that part of our problem with resolving race issues in America is our inability to accurately name what we are. Aside from the ocassional Johnny and Edgar Winter, there are no white people. Any child with a box of crayons can tell you that white people are, in fact, beige. The sickly ones are gray. Following this crayon logic, one can easily see that there are really no black people. They are brown. Or perhaps raw umber. Or maybe burnt sienna. Frankly, every time I hear someone comment on America's first black president, I can't help thinking, "No, he's not. He's more like caramel". Which is why I think we should all get in the habit of calling each other what we really are. How can you racially slur a man by calling him "beige" or "umber"?" The answer is you can't. Because that's exactly what he is. We are all members of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. can I Hear a kumbaya?

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

Para los que no se saben "Hey Jude"

Wazapening! Como en este momento ando algo musical, ahi les dejo el flowchart de la canción Hey Jude. Tiene algunos errores de flujo, pero la idea es esa.